IOT: 20 years anniversary

In 1999, Kevin Ashton coined the term “IoT” (Internet for Things). In the meantime, it has been changed to “Internet of Things”, still abbreviated IoT... Read more

Interest Group (IG) J1939

CAN in Automation (CiA) has inaugurated the IG J1939. The IG’s scope is to support J1939-related standardization by means of commenting documents and... Read more

Joint CiA stand in Singapore

CiA organizes a joint stand for its members at Industrial Transformation Asia-Pacific 2019 (October 22 to 24). CiA members interested to participate... Read more

Next generation CAN protocol

CiA has inaugurated a Special Interest Group, which will develop the next generation CAN protocol with payloads up to 2 KiB. For more details see the... Read more

New version of CiA 422 series

CiA has released the version 2.1 of the CANopen application profile for refuse collecting vehicles, also known as CleANopen. For more details see the... Read more