CAN Info Mail

Since January, CiA sends monthly the CAN Info Mail to subscribers. This email service substitutes all general electronic mailings by CAN in... Read more

CANopen deeply embedded

Embedded networks are not really visible, but sometimes you see them like the top of an iceberg. Deeply embedded networks are often even invisible for... Read more

CiA respects new EU law

In May, the new European General Data Protection Regulation will be in power. This means, CiA is not allowed to send emails without dedicated... Read more

LSS for CANopen FD

After the release of the CANopen FD application layer (CiA 1301), CiA members started to update CiA 305 (LSS). Next meeting is scheduled for January... Read more

Task Forces of IG CAN FD

The TF “Common-mode choke” and TF “Cable” continue to develop design recommendations and to specify parameter measurements. The comparability of data... Read more

Cooperation with JasPar

CiA and JasPar, Japanese nonprofit association, cooperate in respect to CAN FD design recommendations. This includes also the ringing suppression. A... Read more