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CiA® plugfests

On request, CiA organizes plugfests for its members. The purpose of these events is to test and to improve the interoperability of CAN (FD or XL) components or CANopen (FD) devices. This helps component, device, and system designers to provide products compatible to CiA specifications and other standards. System designers get a better understanding of the problems occurring during component respectively device integration.

The participants learn from each other, together they solve interoperability issues. They share their experiences regarding functionality of CAN components, CANopen devices, and CAN-based network systems. Last but not least, the results of plugfests are a valuable input for improving of the related CiA specifications.

CAN XL plugfest

CiA organizes the CAN XL plugfest series to test interoperability of CAN XL protocol controllers (CiA 610-1) and CAN SIC XL transceivers (CiA 610-3). Additionally, CAN SIC transceiver (CiA 601-4) are tested on interoperability, when PWM-coding is not enabled.

CANopen Lift plugfest

CiA organizes CANopen Lift plugfests on request. These events focus on interoperability testing of the controllers, sensors, and actuators implemented according to the CANopen application profile for lifts (CiA 417).

CiA profile plugfests

CiA also organizes CiA profile-related plugfests on request. These events focus on interoperability testing of devices implemented according to generic CAN-based device profiles such as generic I/O modules <CiA 401), drives and motion controller (CiA 402), encoder (CiA 406), and inclinometer (CiA 410). CiA device profiles are not just mapped to classic CANopen, but also to CANopen FD and now also to J1939.

Specific plugfests

CiA organizes specific plugfests according to requirements of its members. In the past, CiA scheduled multiple plugfests on CAN FD testing CAN FD protocol controllers as well as CAN high-speed transceivers compliant with ISO 11898-2:2016. Plugfests for other CAN transceivers (e.g. compliant with CiA 601-4) and CAN XL protocol controllers are on request.

CiA plugfests are for CiA members only, for whom the participation is free of charge.

Upcoming plugfests

  • CAN XL plugfest 2. preparation meeting,2024-04-18|14:00 - 16:00|, please contact CiA office.
  • CAN XL plugfest, 2024-05-16, please contact CiA office.
  • CANopen Lift plugfest, 2024-05-xx, please contact CiA office.

Join the community!

Established in March 1992, the CiA nonprofit association fosters the image of CAN technology. CiA members jointly develop specifications for different CAN application fields. The CAN community also finances CiA’s active participation in international standardization and organizes events in order to exchange knowledge and experiences. These opportunities for networking belong to the most important benefits of CiA membership

CiA also offers other services. These include seminars and conferences, publications, CANopen testing, and last but not least the promotion of CAN technology.

For more information please contact CiA office (headquarters(at)can-cia.org).