CANopen product panels on CiA stands

Trade shows offer a good opportunity to meet business partners and attract potential customers. Since several years, CiA offers its members the opportunity to display their CAN-related products on the CiA CANopen panel walls.

Showing the CAN-related product on the CiA CANopen product panel wall is a perfect way to increase the visibility and to draw more attention to your CAN-based solution. The CiA CANopen product panel wall is categorized regarding to the product´s functions. Every shown product is linked to the CiA Product Guide via QR Code. Thus visitors of the trade show can scan the QR Code and get immediately the product information that is hosted in the CiA Product Guide. As the CiA Product Guide entry has a duration of 6 months, the visibility of the product in the CiA Product Guide exceeds the duration of the trade show, by far.

Embedded World, Nuremberg, Germany 2023 SPS, Nuremberg, Germany 2022

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