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CAN Community News

This 3-weekly free-of-charge email service provides CAN-related news to the entire CAN community. This includes reports about CiA activities, released CiA documents, available CiA publications, and other topics.

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No. 1 - January 5, 2024

Welcome to the merged CiA email services!

CiA has combined its CIM (CAN Info Mail) and CMN (CiA Member News) monthly email services. The new title is CCN (CAN Community News). You will receive it all three weeks. It contains brief news about CAN-related topics – from the physical layer to applications in different domains. This email service is free of charge. Please, forward the CCN to other CAN interested colleagues, business partners, and customers, so that they have a chance to be up to date.

A word from the CiA Managing Director: Happy New Year!

This year, CiA organizes the 18th international CAN Conference. Save the date: May 14 and 15. The two-days conference takes place in Baden-Baden, Germany. The keynote by Marko Moch from Cariad is titled “From FlexRay to CAN-XL: Migrating real-time high-performance networks into the future”. The other 21 presentations are grouped in seven sessions. For details, see the iCC program on the CiA website. The conference is accompanied by a tabletop exhibition. Conference language is English.

The year 2024 offers more for the CAN community: I expect the publications of the new editions of ISO 11898-1 (CAN data link layer and signal coding sublayer) and of ISO 11898-2 (CAN high-speed physical media attachment sublayers). These two standards cover three CAN generations: CAN CC (classic), CAN FD, and CAN XL as well as CAN FD light. Furthermore, CiA will release additional specifications and technical reports related to the CAN XL ecosystem.

CiA plans to exhibit at different tradeshows. As usual, CiA is present at the Embedded World and the SPS. Both fairs take place in Nuremberg, CiA’s hometown. Additionally, CiA goes overseas: Embedded World in U.S.A and Bauma in China. CiA also exhibits at the Innotrans in Berlin, Germany. These events are good opportunities to speak personally to CiA staff. Of course, CiA still provides an email hot-line for technical questions, but this does not substitute direct chats and conversations.

I hope, the new year brings what is said about the Dragon year (Chinese zodiac): power, success, honor, and luck. With CAN XL there is more power, CAN FD is going to become a success, CAN CC (classic) is still honored, and luck is appreciated anyway. My wish for 2024 is that embedded CAN technology becomes more visible. CiA would like to report about success stories, where CAN is deeply embedded, in its CAN Newsletter magazine. This would be highly appreciated by the entire CAN community – not only by me.

Once again, a healthy and successful 2024,


CAN Newsletter Online re-integrated into the CAN Newsletter magazine

Unfortunately, the CAN Newsletter Online publication is not self-financing. Therefore, CiA has decided to “freeze” it – meaning legacy articles are still online, but no new articles are planned. In order to keep the CAN community updated, the since 1992 quarterly published CAN Newsletter magazine will contain in the future overview articles on CAN-related product trends.

The CAN Newsletter magazine and its valuable legacy issues are available on the CiA website, where you can download free of charge the magazine issues. Downloading single articles is possible, too.

CiA online meeting about CANopen Safety

The European EN 50325-5 CANopen Safety standard is not more up to date. It has been released in 2016. In the meantime, some of the referenced documents have been updated or are currently under review. The European standardization body has demanded the improve this standard to meet the requirements of the referenced documents such as the IEC 61508 standard. When the standard is not revised within three years, it is a candidate to be withdrawn. Therefore, CiA organizes an online meeting on January 30 (14:00 to 17:00, UTC+1), to start the discussion about the future of the CANopen Safety. The meeting is intended for CiA members, but on request also non-members implementing or using CANopen Safety may participate. Registration is possible by email.

CANopen bootloader webinar

In a webinar on January 24 (start 16:00, UTC+1), Reiner Zitzmann informs the attendees about the generic CANopen bootloader functionality according to CiA 710. The CiA 710 document specifies the bootloader mode for CANopen CC (classic) and CANopen FD devices as well as the switching between the bootloader mode and the application mode.

Participation in the 45-minute webinar is free of charge. Registration is obligatory and is possible online or via an email to events(at)can-cia.org.

CAN product panels at Embedded World 2024

Member companies are invited to exhibit their CAN(open) products on the CiA product panel walls (hall 1, stand 203) at Embedded World 2024. Interested paties should submit the completed order form to marketing(at)can-cia.org by January 31, 2024.


CiA activities

New CiA members since January 01, 2024

  • Lorch Schweißtechnik (DE)
  • Mach Systens (CZ)
  • NDevice (KR)
  • Noovelia Physique (Divel) (CA)
  • Shenzhen Goodix Technology (CN)
  • SubC Solutions (NO)
  • Won Tech Won (KR)

CiA has 753 members (January 01, 2024)

CiA Product Guides

New entries

  • CAN: PEAK-System Technik, Softing Automotive Electronics
  • CANopen: Temposonics
  • J1939: PEAK-System Technik
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If you would like to subscribe or unsubscribe to the monthly CAN Community News please send an e-mail to mail(at)can-cia.org.

Editors: Olga Fischer, Holger Zeltwanger (responsible according to the press law)
Advertising: Birgit Ruedel (responsible according to the press law)

© CAN in Automation (CiA) e. V.
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